Yo, friends. It’s been a hot minute.
Don’t worry, nutrition is still happenin’ – but guys, the post grad life is REAL. Gone are my days of rolling out of bed with my baseball cap still on and wearing slippers to class (don’t judge me). I haven’t had much time to procrasti-bake (one of my favorite activities) much recently due to my full time work schedule, plus the fact that I’m not procrastinating anymore since I’m not spending every waking minute writing lab reports.
My schedule lately goes a little something like this: wake up early (read: 5am) so I can squeeze in a workout, shower and get ready for work – which starts at 8:30am. Eat breakfast as I roll out the door at 8am and blast loud music as I make comments to myself about how much I hate traffic (don’t we all?).
I usually don’t get out of the office until 5pm or 6pm, but I try to hit up my local hot yoga studio afterwards a few times a week, since I paid for it and all. And after a long day, I typically crash (after dinner, duh) and go to bed like super early.
So yeah, I know you really enjoyed my exciting 3-minute synopsis of my past 4 weeks. Okay fine, I know what you’re really here for, so let’s talk food now.
Eating Out:

1/2 Mushroom & Quinoa Salad over mixed greens with crushed pistachios, sprouts, basil honey vinaigrette, and crumbled feta + 1/2 Mediteranean garden burget w/ tzatziki, cucumbers, lettuce, tomato and onion. From Five Loaves Cafe, which I love and want to marry. A total face plant for this foodie!

A Verde Salad. Verde is sort of like a build your own salad bar. This is the “Soba” – with soba noodles, romaine, spinach, roasted chicken, cucumbers, carrots, and a sesame-peanut-sriraccha dressing!

Iced Americano from City Lights Coffee. I love local coffee shops, and Charleston has some of the best ones I have encountered.
The Charleston Farmer’s Market is nothing short of spectacular. I love heading over on Saturday mornings and checking out all the local companies and produce. Great people and even better food – such an awesome vibe!
And you know how I love a good non-traditional taco. Street Hero does not disappoint!
My schedule may be a little different these days, but nonetheless some things never change – like my love for breakfast (that’s eternal) and meals that don’t require much work (see life synopsis above).
Toast and tupperware. I’m a classy girl. Avocado toast has been my best friend for the past 2 weeks. Pop an hard boiled egg on it and you’ve got a tasty and nutritious meal. I like a bit of variety going on in my meals so the on the other piece I slapped some Trader Joe’s Tomato Basil hummus and fresh tomatoes from the Charleston Farmer’s Market.
Two Van’s Multigrain Waffles with Siggi’s yogurt and berries. Classic. I also tend to compulsively over buy berries and result in eating them by the handfuls before they go bad. I’m surprised I haven’t turned into that girl in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Violet, right?).
I told you…so. much. avocado. toast. waffles. spelt muffins. (I’m really loving it)
Favorite bread products of the week: Silver Hills Bakery “Little Big Bread” and Rudi’s Spelt English Muffins. I was never an English muffin eater until I tried the spelt ones from Rudis…game changer!
Kombucha and fruit. Staples in my life.
KIND Snacks was so graciously generous to send over a few of their new items to try. When I opened the granolas, I think I squealed out loud because of this:
CLUSTERS. I totally go digging around for the clusters and eat all of those first before moving on to the actually granola part. Don’t tell me you don’t do the same because you know you do. It’s the best!
Also, their new Strong and KIND line is bomb. Seriously, the flavors are all on point. Honey mustard? I’m down.
Okay, but weekends though, I get some extra play-time with my breakfasts. Aka something that takes ten minutes instead of the usual five. Enter, Kodiak Cakes.
Just add water and you’ve got yourself a stack of pancakes in ten minutes. I bought the protein packed mix from Target for these ones above. The ingredient list is nice and simple (i.e. whole wheat flour, baking powder..etc.) and they cook up fast! I love it paired with a drizzle of honey and fresh fruit! I still spot figs in the grocery stores, so I had to stock up on a box!
A total lifesaver: Trader Joe’s Soyaki. When you have no idea what to make for dinner, well, Soyaki has your back. Toss everything you have in the fridge in the pan with soyaki and a meal is served!

Trader Joe’s brown rice and quinoa pasta + roasted brussels, red bell peppers, and asparagus with Earthfare’s Napa Chicken Salad
I live about 7 minutes away from an Earthfare and confession time, I shop there like it’s my hobby and read every label in there until I get hungry and feel compelled to buy things off their hot bar.
Andddd every Wednesday is a $5 dollar meal deal where you get 1 protein + 2 sides for $5. How can I say no?

Mango edamame salad from Whole Foods + Blackened Chicken salad over 1/2 Rudi’s Spelt english muffin + roasted veggies.
Foodie Things & Life in general:
Post grad gives a brand new meaning to weekends….that usually looks like this.
Charleston definitely has it’s (many!!!) perks.
My best friend Maggie came into town the other week so I knew this was going to happen..Jeni’s Ice Cream you actually did make me go weak at the knees. Have you ever just walked by and smelled the waffle cones?! It’s like all the good things in the world in a smell form.
We also headed over to FUEL Charleston….for the best fish (mahi-mahi!!) tacos in town. Side of sweet plantain fritters which were the most delicious starchy fritters there ever was.
Fun Finds:
It’s coconut flavored. Enough said.
There was a sale and let’s just say, I really stocked up. Fridge space is so precious.
More coconutty goodness. Califia Farms makes my favorite almond milk!
My craving for pineapple has been through the roof lately – it’s all I ever want! These spears from Trader Joe’s are my favorite. They are always making my life easier!
It’s always a toppings party for me when yogurt is involved. Have you tried the carrot ginger flavor from Siggis? It’s one of their best, in my opinion. And so fabulous with some Purely Elizabeth granola!
And that’s a wrap! Any good eats in your life lately? I’d love to hear!