Don’t worry, it’s been fixed. But do you see those nails coming out of the walls? I really like clothes – no shame!
Shopping is one of my all time favorite activities. I mean, it doesn’t even have to be for clothing – grocery shopping is included. What’s more fun than browsing aisles of almond butter jars?
Anyways, I digress. [once a foodie, always a foodie.]
On a day to day basis, you’ll find me in some type of workout wear, only because with my student schedule, I typically am either a) coming from a workout to my classes or b) getting ready to go to a workout after my classes.
And as shopaholic, workout gear is a HUGE obessession of mine. I collect it like a mad woman.
I am pretty particular about my clothes, and when it comes to workout wear, I like things that are a) high in quality, b) has great fit, and c) is comfortable.
Ellie fits this bill and more -which is very hard to find a company that is a triple threat!
And another thing I found that is really great about the clothing they offer is the price – for the quality you are getting, the price is completely affordable, especially for those of us still in school. Even though I WANT to spend all of my money on clothes, the grown up in me tells me that I still need money for food – and then I remember I like food too, so there’s that. So in this case, you can have your clothes and eat your food too!
Above is the Dig Deep Tank and Balance Capri.
First of all, I absolutely LOVE the back detailing on this top. It is unique as it is in the shape of your sports bra – concealing it and creating this beautiful silhouette. I’m such a sucker for detailed backs on tops! The fabric is breathable and I love how it doesn’t bind to you horribly – there’s room to breathe! No one wants to be uncomfortable when they workout.
The balance capris were insanely comfortable. I’m a loyal fan of and really into my Lululemon crops [all hail the Wunder Unders], but these are definitely up there on my favorite workout crops I have tried list. I probably wouldn’t run in these because they lack dry wick, but I can definitely see myself wearing them to yoga. The cotton material makes the bottoms super stretchy and conforms to your shape. In addition, the waist is probably my favorite part about this – the “V” detail is very flattering on your waist area and doesn’t leave the terrible pant imprint line on your stomach [you know what I’m talking about here, ladies!]
I got a small in the top and medium in the bottoms – so I would say it is pretty true to your regular size!